This page will be used to keep you updated. The links to new articles will be here and also when anything else new is added.
The updates for both sites 4 Jesus and NBM will be on this page with the links.
The 4 Jesus site
There is a new feature video 11/14
There are 3 new Bible Quiz chapters on Revelations added 2/16/12***
I'm going to add a featured video on the index page each month.
Below I will add new articles as I put them on the site.
Scroll down for the links from the Index page
NBM Site
New Articles added
Check out Rev's recipes, and add you own favorites to share with everyone.
Use site map to get where you want to go Site-map

If you are lonely and want to talk, pray, or just say Hi. Someone is in our chat room just waiting to greet you. Here is a link to the calendar to find the times and who is in the room.