Dear friends:
The below alarming report from Israel came to my attention today. I am passing it along because it is one more harbinger of the judgment coming upon America because of our treatment of Israel, according to Genesis 12:3.
QUESTION: Why am I not surprised that Obama is throwing both Israel and the U.S. under the bus? ANSWER: Because of his anti-Israel and pro Muslim words and actions, his anti-American mentors since childhood, and his anti-American pastor for 20 years. I am persuaded that he hates America and what we stand for.
I have just received this: from my friend in Israel who moves in high circles there. No attribution possible. It’s from a very trustworthy source who was himself the recipient and knows these people. They send him information clandestinely and they remain incognito, so that they can safely inform Americans of what is actually happening. I’m sure that they would be pleased to have the information disseminated.
Incidentally, in my opinion, this is what appears to be happening. Obama has made secret deals with the Iranian mullahcracy to facilitate the weakening of both the USA and Israel, even the planned destruction of Israel, in exchange for promises from Iran and now the Turkish leadership that ‘all they want’ – à la Munich, 1938 – is their individual MidEast Sudentenland, each of them.
Turkey and Iran have decided to split the ME between them – East and West. Turkey will recreate a new Sunni-controlled Ottoman Empire, and Iran will be allowed its own ‘greater Iran’ hegemony…i.e. a new Shiite Caliphate stretching beyond its current borders.
Obama, who is a Muslim, agrees with this plan and has pledged to help throw Israel – along with all American national security interests – to the wolves.
This appears to me to be what is currently happening, and Americans had better awaken to this reality long before November, 2012, or we won’t have a country, or an Israel, to save any longer.

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