Surprise! Jews begin animal sacrifice!
Jim Bramlett
Apr 2, 2010
Dear friends:
Unknown to me, Jews began quietly performing animal sacrifice in 2008, and did it again in 2009 and 2010, according to Pastor F.M. Riley.
Pastor Riley points out the significance of the prophetic timing of the 2008 event.
He says:
"The Six Day War occurred from June 5th through June 10th, 1967. Because of the unbelief of their "faithless leaders," the Temple Mount and the Sinai were given back into the hands of their enemies. The result of this has been that Israel has had to spend the last 40 years "wandering in the wilderness" of the Gentile nations, exactly like their unbelieving, rebellious, forefathers wandered in the wilderness after leaving Egypt 3,500 years ago. I might add that most of those "faithless" leaders who betrayed Israel in 1967 have now "left their carcasses in the wilderness" just like their "faithless" forefathers did.
"This 40 years ended on June 5th through the 10th, 2007. Figure it up for yourself. The very next year [the 41st] the Jews who believe themselves to be Levites and of the Levitical Priesthood began offering the Paschal lamb required at Passover. Glory! They may be spiritually blind, but they have enough discernment to believe and follow God's prophetic order set forth in the Scriptures. They carried out their sacrifices very quietly and privately, with no publicity whatsoever. They never notified the authorities or ask permission of the government or made any "waves" whatsoever. They apparently understood the military and political ramifications of going public about what they were doing, so they kept it strictly within their own group of priests and under wraps. Their purpose in reinstituting the Passover sacrifice, I have been told, was an appeal to the God of Israel to have mercy on them and send their Messiah to rescue and redeem them from the hand of their enemies. Glory to God!
"It is my understanding, that although this video of the first Passover sacrifice was made in 2008, these Levitical Jews continued to offer a lamb in 2009 and now in 2010. In other words, they offered the sacrifice in the 41st year since 1967, the 42nd year, and now in the 43rd year. We are now in the 43nd year until June 5th through the 10th, when at that time the 44th year since the 67 war will begin. I am emphasizing this because "43" is the Bible number for the Abomination of Desolation or in other words, it signifies the Tribulation Period. "44" is the Bible number for "perdition." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that is exactly where the incorrigible wicked are headed during the Tribulation.
"Since we are now in the 43rd year since the Six Day War, just add 7 years and it will bring you to a total of 50 years. Now just add 7 years to 2010 and it will bring you to 2017. Significantly, 2017 is the 50th year in a Jubilee cycle and is the next Jubilee Year. Coincidence? Yeah, when donkeys fly!
"....the rapture of God's people and the start of the Tribulation is so close that I can feel it in my very soul. All that is holding me down right now is gravity, and when the Lord comes He will reverse that for every one of His people. Read John 12:32. Glory to God! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! BY FAITH, I can see the lights of "home" and hear my loved ones on the other side calling. Glory! Thank you Lord Jesus!"